The Perfect Color Palette For Your Projects

Choosing colors for or any design or artwork is an essential step to bring it to life. You don’t always have to mix and match or think hard for a suitable color palette. There is an easier way which is more convenient for you.


Take a look at your photographs and choose a random one. Open up Photoshop, Gimp, Coral Paint or any other photo editing software. Click on the eye dropper tool and click around the picture to gather as many colors as you can. You can create small circles at the end of your image or create another document to place the colors in. Experiment and create as many color palettes as you can and use it as a guide for your artwork.


In Illustrator, you can create your create a color swatch. When you select your colors group and save them under one collection. Upload them whenever you need them and use the colors for your projects. You can use the same color swatches with several projects.

color palette

If you find it difficult to create a color swatch every time you start a project, you can repeat the same colors for different projects but play with the shades a little to make it seem a little bit different.

Also, you don’t always need to find specific colors to work with for you can always eye the different colors and choose the ones you like or find suitable for each design. So choose whatever method that suits you and start from there. With time you’ll find it easy to know which colors to choose for each artwork.